Monday, September 16, 2013


I feel like today is a new beginning for me. Up to this point, and for quite some time, life has been ... stagnant. Unmoved. Living day to day without acknowledging a greater purpose for being alive. In other words, not living as though I am truly alive.

I remember feeling this way shortly before we met our daughters for the second time, when I felt the Lord calling us to adopt them into our family. It was a sunny morning in our quiet, comfortable neighborhood. I was sitting across from my husband in my pj's in our home office, leaning back in my chair with my feet propped up on the edge of the desk, a cup of coffee in my hand; and I told him I felt like something was missing in my life. That I wasn't doing like I should be. That I was just working, and living, and breathing, and yet, not going anywhere. That something was coming bigger than either of us could imagine and I wondered, what it would be? What does the Lord have for me?

And then, a few months later in Kampala, Uganda, while sitting in our small group Bible study after another long day at the orphanage, the answer to that question came in the form of a quiet, consistent voice on my heart, my emotions pulled in one direction towards two beautiful little Ugandan girls... These are your daughters. I still get chills when I think about that moment. I just knew right then and there, that was the very moment for which God had been preparing my heart.

The last three years since bringing home the girls have been filled with challenges, ups and downs, doubts and comforts, prayers and tears, joy, fear, happiness, and, finally, peace. Peace knowing we are the family God knit us together to be. Followed by the realization that life is once again about to change, and that same question: What does the Lord have for me?

Suffice it to say that I've definitely experienced some pretty major life changes over the past few months...

Change #1: We found out we're having a baby! And as of this past Saturday, we know that it's a BOY!! My husband, living in a house full of women (wife, two teenage daughters, and college-age sister), is ECSTATIC to have some more testosterone on the way. Being someone who couldn't decide if she wanted a baby or not (we adopted our teens at ages 12 & 13), I am super excited for this new chapter in our lives, too! I just can't wait to hold him and snuggle with him. Only a few more months to go!

Change #2: Our girls entered Sophomore year in HS and started taking all Honors and Pre-AP courses. On top of church activities, family commitments, and team sports ... let's just say that it has been interesting, challenging, and helped me appreciate how *easy* the past three years have been (school-wise) compared to this!

Change #3: My sister-in-law moved in to attend our local college, Texas A&M University. If you know college football at all, you just might have heard of it? As with any new arrival to a family, the change in home and family dynamic created by having another person around has been both fun and challenging. How to parent/befriend a 19-year-old college Freshman, who still needs guidance, but should be - for the most part - responsible for herself now? She also has been a great help both around the house and with chemistry homework, and has shaken up our daily routine in wonderful (and much needed) ways.

Change #4: A new hospital opened up in this "medical corridor" that we (apparently) live in. Talk around town is that we need more docs and hospital beds for our growing community. And of course, competition is a great thing in health care. It provides patients with choices, fuels innovation and makes docs compete to provide the best care in order to attract patients. Without worry or anxiety, we will wait and see how - if at all - it affects business at the "other hospital" ER where my husband currently works.

So...those are the big changes we've had. Lots of little ones thrown in there, too. Some good, some "there" as our girls put it when something has neither a positive or negative affect on them, and thankfully, none that I would classify as bad. I remember the first time I realized, after bringing home the girls, that life would throw a curve ball just when I had gotten used to it. I'd finally work my way to feeling like I had a handle on things...and then another curve ball would come my way. And another. And another. So I've gotten used to expecting curve balls (after all, nothing in life is either certain OR guaranteed) and I've learned (through age? experience? maturity? all three?) that the best kind of life is not a static one, but an ever-changing one, filled with surprises and challenges to help me grow personally and spiritually.

As I begin to write this blog, which is something I've been contemplating doing for some time, my hope is that perhaps I'll connect with you in some way, whether it be through a beauty post, a post about what I'm learning through my Bible study, or a post about a day in the life of me or my family. I'm looking forward to tackling all of these changes - and I'm sure, many more! - head on, all the while having peace that there is One who has gone before me, knows my future, and has a plan - the best plan - for me.

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